Q: What does EoA hope to see in their members/potential recruits?
A: We’re hoping to find creative, engaging and mature people who've committed a certain level of work and time to their character and the character's concept's uniqueness. That does not mean that new characters are not welcome, on the contrary. We only hope to find members that enjoy putting a level of depth in them.
Q: What kind of RP style does EoA favor?
A: We hope to find individuals that enjoy emoting, specifically 1-3 three paragraphs, occasionally a 4th if it fits the scenery. That being stated, every situation should be evaluated. While some sceneries fit three emotes, some don't. We’re hoping to find people that are willing to offer insight and vision appropriately, for example, more in important scenes and less in casual settings.
Q: Do you use DnD sheets or rolls when you have events?
A: We use /roll 20. While there have been thoughts about making a DnD system, we’re focusing on other aspects of the guild rather than event systems. If the interest sparks from fellow members and officers we could make one, but for now, there is none.
Q: How does the event scheduling and time work in EoA?
A: Our events officially start at 20:00 server time. There is always the possibility of events being rescheduled but we hope to avoid delays and rescheduling. Primarily we do campaigns which consist of a three - four week storyline where we RP out a chapter during that time, once we return to our headquarters we’ll be focusing on part time RP, minor events and occasional OOC activities.
Q: How does EoA do events?
A: We focus on one storyline at the time. Each storyline is different and has a different structure. In each campaign we can acquire 4 relics, 3 minor artifact and 1 main artifact. Each item has a description, usage and lore to it. Some artifacts even have artwork (done by William Wither). We have sheets for weapons, armor, relics and NPCs. If you’re curious to see more of what these sheets involve, you can click the link below. Overall we hope to make each story impactful, to challenge our characters with new creative obstacles, from riddles to puzzles and battles to persuasion.
Q: Are all races and classes allowed?
A: Yes. However, we’ll be evaluating Demon Hunters and Death Knights a little harsher due to the relative difficulty in roleplaying them well. Naturally, they must also fit the concept of the guild.
Q: Is there a level requirement?
A: No. However, we hope people will take the consideration of thought that we’ll be travelling all around continents with all different levels, which requires flight, access to certain areas and the avoidance of mobs. So no, it’s not a requirement, but it’s a preference and something the officers will take for evaluation.
Q: Are there any IC requirements?
A: No. However, we do greatly appreciate disciplined characters that follow simple rules and commands, but we are no military guild. The officers will not hound at you for occasionally being mischievous and showing character, but know that your actions have consequences, especially when there is an IC budget involved and there are old relics that might easily break. Know that the officers of the guild can ask your character to resign.