Profession Application Examples

Below are three examples of profession sheets from which you can see how having an interest in a subject related to the guild can influence roleplay. Not only is it a contribution to the guild, but it is also a facet of your character that can be explored.
These examples also allow you to see how those of a specific profession would find impetus for interaction, solely by being of a profession. For instance, if the guild required information about a newly acquired cursed ring, they’d direct it to Roy. If they studying a treacherous mountain pass, Darwyn would be of great service.
It can be very daunting being a new member. With this system, we hope to encourage even brand new members to find reasons to seek out and intect with others.
Name: Dawryn Ironwell
Race: Dwarf - Bronzebeard
Profession: Arachnology & orology
• Expert in the field of knowledge regarding the Nerubian and spider species.
• Knows most legends and fables about famed spiders, breeds, their overall habits.
• Knows all there is to know about mountains, such as the type of mountains nerubians prefer and the pattern they follow in their choice of caves and tunnels.
• Has a silk industry in Ironforge where he breeds and nurtures widow spiders.
• As part-time work he collects venom, selling it at the black market to rogues.
Name: Roy Hawes
Race: Human - Alteraci
Profession: Diplomatology & Jewelcrafting
• Was always interested in the subject of diplomacy, especially considering the Alteraci’s reputation regarding their diplomatic achievements in the past.
• Began studying Kaldorei diplomacy, political system and overall history.
• Knows most of what there is to know about Kaldorei jewelcrafting.
• Has the ability to name 5 famous jewelry pieces Queen Azshara wore during three different occasions in history.
• Owns a jewelry shop in Stormwind where he specifically crafts elven ornaments and jewels.
Name: Rosalyn Fumbleton
Race: Human - Gilnean
Profession: Naology & Iconography
• Expertise in all things temples, churches and holy sites.
• Can point out every abbey and monastery in the Eastern Kingdoms, as well as recite who or what built them.
• Well-aware of the dangers that might lurk beneath the constructs of faith, might save our lives one day.
• Has vast knowledge in the field of symbols and signs. If there’s a trap or a safe haven ahead - Rosalyn will know.
• Rarely seen outside other than during expeditions, presumably spending the majority of her time studying.