Acology - study of medical remedies.
Agriology - the comparative study of primitive peoples.
Anthropology - study of humanoid cultures.
Anemology - study of winds.
Arachnology - study of spiders.
Archology - science of the origins of government.
Astheniology - study of diseases of weakening and aging.
Astrology - study of influence of stars on people.
Bibliology - study of books.
Biology - study of life.
Botany - study of plants.
Cartography - the science of making maps and globes.
Chemistry - study of properties of substances.
Chirography - study of handwriting or penmanship.
Chorology - science of the geographic description of anything.
Chrematistics - the study of wealth; political economy.
Climatology - study of climate.
Codicology - study of manuscripts.
Cryptology - study of codes
Cryptozoology - study of animals for whose existence there is no conclusive proof.
Dactyliology - study of rings.
Dactylology - study of sign language.
Demology - study of humanoid behaviour.
Demonology - study of demons.
Dendrochronology - study of tree rings.
Dendrology - study of trees.
Diagraphics - art of making diagrams or drawings.
Diplomatology - study of diplomatics.
Ecology - study of environments.
Ekistics - study of humanoid settlements.
Endemiology - study of local diseases.
Entomology - study of insects.
Epidemiology - study of diseases; epidemics
Eremology - study of deserts.
Eschatology - study of death.
Ethnology - study of cultures.
Ethonomics - study of economic and ethical principles of a society.
Etymology - study of origins of words.
Folkloristics - study of folklore and fables.
Futurology - study of the future.
Gemmology - study of gems and jewels.
Genealogy - study of descent of families.
Genesiology - study of reproduction and heredity.
Geogony - study of formation of the earth.
Geoponics - study of agriculture.
Gigantology - study of giants.
Glossology - study of language; study of the tongue.
Gnosiology - study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge.
Graphology - study of handwriting.
Heliology - science of the sun.
Historiology - study of history.
Hoplology - the study of weapons.
Horography - art of constructing sundials or clocks
Hematology - study of blood.
Hymnology - study of hymns.
Ichnology - science of fossilized footprints.
Iconography - study of drawing symbols.
Linguistics - study of language.
Mineralogy - study of minerals.
Musicology - study of music.
Mythology - study of myths; fables; tales.
Naology - study of church or temple architecture.
Oneirology - study of dreams.
Ophiology - study of snakes.
Orology - study of mountains.
Oenology - study of wines.
Philosophy - science of knowledge or wisdom.
Polemology - study of war.
Pyroballogy - study of artillery.
Psychology - study of the mind.
Palaeolimnology - study of ancient fish.
Runology - study of runes.
Selenology - study of the moon.
Sociology - study of society.
Spectrology - study of ghosts.
Sphragistics - study of seals and signets.
Symbology - study of symbols.
Toxicology - study of poisons.
Urbanology - study of cities.
Vexillology - study of flags.
Zoology - study of animals.