
As time has waged ever onwards, civilizations have risen and fallen, peoples have born and perished, lands have been settled and pillaged, and what remains are but vestiges and fragments of what once was. The Emporium endeavours to collect these remnants, protecting them from being lost to the annals of time while also safeguarding them from less than lustrous individuals who may use these relics for nefarious purposes.
Our domain does not sit merely upon The Eastern Kingdoms. Rather, our inquiries take us throughout all of Azeroth. Delving deep into Horde territory in order to procure artifacts, testaments to those that preceded us, is a grave risk indeed, but one that must be undertaken. And since there are none who go to that extent, it is up to those that substantiate The Emporium of Antiquity to brave the dangers that manifest in these dangerous lands.
While we do endeavour to keep as many relics as we can and safeguard them from damage and destruction, doing so is not without cost. Though we do not act as a mere warehouse that sells trinkets to whoever walks through the door with even a modestly populated coin purse, we will, however, sell particular artifacts to discerning individuals of a more upstanding character who can be trusted to not misuse, lose, or damage that which we have given them.
Our most implored way of obtaining funding is to sign contracts with a patron of well repute and, at their behest, obtain that which they are looking for. Not all of these expeditions will yield results, however, with many objects having falling into disrepair at best, or having been stolen, to having decayed into nothingness as time has wore on.
But, be that as it may, our duty is to protect the past, and what remains of it, preserving the remaining whispers of bygone people and fallen civilizations.


The rules are to be found below, with explanations detailing why we have them. Most of them are common sense to people who are serious about the roleplay community in any particular game. When there are situations that violate the rules, a no tolerance policy is adopted. Toxicity is not permitted, and ignorance of the rules is no justification for avoiding being banned from the guild.
The purpose of the guild is to foster good roleplay, among people who respect each other. If you cannot be amicable and insist on causing drama, you will find no place in the guild. Individuals who detract from the experience will be punished appropriately.
Respect - As we are a community of people getting together in order to enjoy roleplaying with one another, everyone is to be treated with respect, regardless of their rank within the guild and their experience. As such, we expect our members to be diplomatic and caring. If there are issues arising that concerns other users in the guild, contact an officer so that the situation can be resolved. With everyone being an adult, you are naturally expected to act like an adult.
Erotic Roleplay - While ERP is frowned upon, players that wish to engage in ERP are to do so in private conversations. Do not do so in such a manner that the guild, or the people within the guild, will suffer as a consequence.
Alts and characters - You may only have two characters, maximum, as members of the guild. This is to prevent the guild charter from overflowing with redundant players. If you are to bring an alt into the guild, it will be rejected if it’s too similar to your first. We want diversity, not uninspired repetition.
Metagaming and Overpowering - Metagaming and power-gaming is forbidden in this guild. You are a denizen of azeroth, and not a demigod. we strive for diverse and interesting roleplay, and all-powerful characters are antithetical to that. The purpose of roleplay is to experience a dynamic story, not to win every fight and woo every fair maiden.
Trolling - Trolling is forbidden. If you are found trolling, and the first instance is not too severe, you will be reprimanded and given one chance. If you continue trolling, or you initially did so in a vicious manner, you will be removed from the guild.
Channel management - You are to post in the appropriate channels. Keep your memes to the meme channel, your artwork to the artwork channel, and so on and so forth. The channels are designed to ease the process of ensuring that your posts, journals, and the discord are concise and coherent. Do not post irrelevant content to a given channel.
Influence - While we will not micromanage our users, you are expected conduct yourself in a decent and respectful manner to the people in the community. Not only is that so the guild will keep a pristine reputation, but also because we want to encourage people within the community to be decent. If there is an issue that makes that difficult, do contact us so we can help.